Innovating to better understand and act in favor of air quality

How to assess exposure to air pollution?

Which sensors to choose?
How to use and integrate data?

How to identify sources and measure in complex environments?
How do we get people involved and help them change their behavior?
Involving citizens and employees is a powerful lever for changing behavior.
Thanks to its “AQPM Canevas”, AirSentinels offers a unique step-by-step support and animation methodology to involve all stakeholders.

320 Avenue Archimède,
Les Pléiades III, Bat.C,
13100 Aix en Provence
Your contact
David Riallant
+33(0)6 43 11 36 52
News & Articles
AIR POLLUTION : we should focus on personal exposure monitoring
ir pollution is now clearly identified as a major threat to human health. A lot of effort is put on creating air quality maps with better spatial and temporal resolution to better understand the nature of the air we breathe. This is good... but we...
RACLETTE VS METRO : Better understand personal exposure to fine particles
hile it is no longer necessary to remind people of the impacts of air quality on our health and economy, I wanted to share the result of a personal experience conducted during this festive season, which is conducive to recipes that warmly combine...